Blind Date


Her life consisted of discipline, order and music. His, on the other hand, was filled with creativity, isolation and silence. Their carefully crafted lives however, are put to the test when she moves into the apartment next door. Which of course makes us wonder: can music and silence coexist with a non-soundproof wall separating them?


Blind Date is a comedic film that defies the parameters of traditional dating by proposing a modern definition which consists of an invisible, yet ever-present, partner. This concept emphasises our freedom to embrace how we truly are – without the need to extremely adapt. It is a marvellous yet flawed concept that creates an undeniable positive effect on both protagonists since they are able to openly learn about each other without the need to follow society’s relationship standards.

*The recommended snack for this film is: Risotto!!

Outstanding Performances

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Clovis Cornillac: Although perceived by others as an antisocial asshole genius, Machin’s humor, deep-insight and overall blunt personality allows the audience to perceive him as lovable. Of course, Cornillac’s performance is further enhanced by his sarcastic expressions, truly caring intentions and sudden rash actions. Needless to say, Machin is without a doubt my favorite character in the film.

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Mélanie Bernier: Machine’s disciplined talent has often restrained her potential to become not only a professional pianist, but also one of the greatest. Thanks to her natural endurance and Machin’s persistent guidance however, she is able to tap into possibilities she never considered achievable before. Bernier’s interpretation of Machine is fun, sweet and spunky. After all, there is more than meets the eye with this sweetheart.

– PopNach

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